Sunday, June 29, 2008

Caleb going "potty""??

Caleb has been really good about the potty training thing... and the great thing is, he's doing it on his own! I did this with Josh... just waited until he started showing some interest, and then we took off from there. And I thought it worked SOOOO well, I'm doing it again with boy #2. Anyway, he still has accidents, (and I'm okay with that) ... the important thing is that he's trying! Today, I sat him on the toilet and went into the kitchen and this is what I heard! (for some of you who are a bit squeemish about bodily functions... stop reading here!)

"Mom, something is splashing my bum!"

MUSIC TO MY EARS!!! That could only mean one thing!!! This actually isn't the first time... but I'm happier now then I was the first time, because there is starting to be a pattern!

Anyhoo... just a way to brighten up my Sunday... and now I actually think it's possible to have only 1 child in diapers! keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

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