Sunday, November 12, 2006

Runnin' Fools!!!



WE DID IT!!! After just 6 weeks of training we finished our first 8k race, which is 4.965 miles... but we like to say it was 5 miles! When we signed up for this, we were supposed to put our estimated time... and not knowing how long it would take us, we guessed about an hour and a half! Little did we know that the estimated time would be used to put us into groups for a staggered start! We ended up in the last group, which didn't seem too bad until we realized that the numbers on our bibs reflected how fast we intended to finsh! 12630 doesn't look that impressive next to 6570! But all that aside, we started out pretty good! The weather was great... 70 degrees and sunny with a nice occasional breeze!!! Although after the first mile, I started feeling a little tired! NaDene on the other hand was going strong! It didn't help things when I had the urge to go to the bathroom, and almost wet my pants 3 different times before we reached the port-a-potties!

The course was pretty flat and went through downtown Richmond. While I was focusing on the pain in my hips, NaDene was enjoying the scenery! The only thing that kept me going was NaDene... and the promise of live bands playing music at mile 2 and 4 and a HUGE surpirse along the way! We were both very disappointed to find no bands playing music to pump us up... and the huge surprised turned out to be two girls juggling and eating fire. May sound impressive to some, but after 4 miles of running, I expected a lot more! But, we maintained our pace til the end, despite a steady hill in mile 4. And we eventually got to a wonderful downhill slope all the way to the finish! Picking up our pace, NaDene said, "Do you want to push it to the end?" Little did she know I was pushing my hardest already!!! Aaaahhhh!!!

My official time was 59 minutes 15 seconds... and NaDene's official time was 59 minutes 16 seconds. I like to say that I beat her because I turned out to be the faster runner... NaDene says it's because she had to push me through the finish line! Either way, we both did great because we finished under an hour! So, taking into account our 3-minute potty break, we averaged about 11:30 per mile, compared to our 13:40 minute mile in training! HOORAY!!! And I have to say, that I wouldn't have finished that fast if it wasn't for NaDene being right beside me!

Now, 2 days later, I'm still slathering on the BenGay and hobbling around, while NaDene confesses to having a sore toe from her shoe! GO FIGURE!!!