Caleb has been really good about the potty training thing... and the great thing is, he's doing it on his own! I did this with Josh... just waited until he started showing some interest, and then we took off from there. And I thought it worked SOOOO well, I'm doing it again with boy #2. Anyway, he still has accidents, (and I'm okay with that) ... the important thing is that he's trying! Today, I sat him on the toilet and went into the kitchen and this is what I heard! (for some of you who are a bit squeemish about bodily functions... stop reading here!)
"Mom, something is splashing my bum!"
MUSIC TO MY EARS!!! That could only mean one thing!!! This actually isn't the first time... but I'm happier now then I was the first time, because there is starting to be a pattern!
Anyhoo... just a way to brighten up my Sunday... and now I actually think it's possible to have only 1 child in diapers! keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Caleb going "potty""??
Friday, June 27, 2008
back to the simple life
As of two days ago, I am without a dishwasher! Luckily it is still under warranty, so when the repair man came to fix it and he said it would take 2 weeks just to order parts... I was thinking the man must be crazy. Honestly, who goes without their dishwasher for 2 whole weeks! But then I remembered growing up with no dishwasher... and although there were many fights about who had to stack, who had to wash, who had to rinse, who had to put away... there were also many fond memories about washing dishes. Soap bubbles... soap fights... being instructed by dad about the finer way to stack the dishes (silverware next to the sink, cups directly above the silverware, plates and bowls stacked by size in as few piles as possible, large bowls stacked to the far right, and pans could remain on the stove until there was room on the counter).... being threatened within an inch of our lives not to step over the linoleum line into the living room unless the dishes were done (I'm exaggerating about the "inch of our lives" part)... and my favorite... some of the best talks I've had with my family, have been over the kitchen sink DOING THE DISHES.
So after some careful contemplation and a little reflection... which is ironic that this very contemplation and reflection I'm referring to, occurred while I was.... get ready, folks... WASHING DISHES!!! Anyway, I'm happy to report that even after only 2 days of doing dishes by hand, I'm actually not that annoyed by it. And to be honest, my kitchen hasn't been cleaner! I'm getting satisfaction out of doing the dishes right away, as opposed to waiting and letting the dishes get crusty, just because I'm "waiting" for the previous load to finish! ridiculous, I know... but don't knock it... I'm sure you've all done it!!!
Now I can't say with 100% certainty that after the dishwasher is fixed I will maintain this "way of life" ... I mean, having a dishwasher does have it's perks... but for right now, I'm okay with it and am going to look on the brighter side!
Monday, June 23, 2008
grandma and grandpa are comin' to town!
G&G Grover (aka my mom and dad) are heading to Richmond for a couple weeks... and they actually left today, but they won't be arriving until next week sometime because they are flying to Chicago, and long story short, are driving the rest of the way seeing church sites, etc. So I was explaining this to Josh, and he wasn't really comprehending where they were, and what they were doing... so we decided to follow their journey on a map. (thought this would be a fun "lesson" for Josh)
Mike caught wind of this little project, and thought that it was more for my sake then a geography lesson for our rising 1st-grader. His words exactly, "Isn't this more for you?? are you just a little bit excited?" I have to concur, I am excited that they are coming, so this map/countdown to their arrival was fun for me too!
Regardless, now we have a detailed route mapped out (complete with airplane and car stickers to keep track of how they will be traveling... and blue stars to document when they arrive) so we know exactly where they will be on any given day during the week! So, for example, if you are wondering where Garth and JoLene will be on June 28th, I can say with about 98% accuracy that they will be in Kirtland, Ohio! Man, I'm good! And when they arrive around July 1st, we'll be ready!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
evening fun
the other night, was just nice just relaxing in the yard... it was actually nice and cool (a pleasant 80 degrees)... Mike was helping Josh to perfect his "step and throw" technique... and Caleb was riding his bike like mad up and down the driveway! I, of course, was perched in my chair resting my prego body! :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Josh had his last t-ball game this week... and as usual, he did great! But I have to say, the highlight of the game was when Josh slid head first into home plate! (fyi: normally kids don't do this in t-ball) I missed it the first time, so I asked him to do it one more time the next inning... and he did! The second time wasn't near as good, because he said it hurt more then he thought it would and he was a little hesitant... but I can't complain, because at least I got it on film! In the fall, we're going to enroll him in machine-pitch... so that should be REALLY exciting!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Big Boy Bed for Caleb
Caleb is officially in his "big boy bed" now!!! I went to a Mattress King to look at prices... and told the guy I was just looking. Of course, he gave me the whole schpeel, but I was walking out of the store and he said he would take $50 off the price. Well, I was just surprised that he was dropping the price, so I got excited and bought the mattress... I even went to the warehouse and picked it up myself and saved an extra $50. So I was pretty proud of myself for saving $100... until I thought that I probably could've talked him down further... but oh well.
Before I brought the bed home, Caleb was very serious about staying in his crib... but once he saw it all set up (I even hauled it upstairs myself and put it together because I just wanted to get it done, and couldn't wait for Mike), he was all about it! And he has adjusted really well... and with only a few minor setbacks (quietly getting into the closet and completely destroying all my little piles of winter clothes, too small clothes, etc), he is actually getting to sleep and even laying down for nap!
pictures to follow!
Oh, I forgot to mention... that on Caleb's 1st night in his bed, I left Mike to deal with it. I went to a "girls' night out!" I'm evil, aren't I???
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day MIKE!!!
And of course, I can't help but give a "shout out" to my hubby, Mike... for being such a great Dad to Josh and Caleb! He's pretty busy with work, but the kids sure love him and appreciates it when he's home! Caleb can hear the garage door open from any where in the house and says, "Dad home!" and then runs to the door to meet him! Josh loves having Dad help coach his t-ball team, and says that "Dad is the best coach ever!"
Here are just a FEW of my favorite pictures... it's amazing how much the boys resemble their DAD!!!
Happy Father's Day DAD!
I can't really put into words how much my family means to me... and my Dad is no different! He continues to amaze everyone with his quiet acts of service and sacrifice... his faith and humility... not to mention his sense of humor and quick wit! He is always there when and advice and comfort is needed... and I just don't know what I would do without my Dad!
So here's to Garth R. Grover... a great Dad, Dad in law, and Grandpa! We love you!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Check out my birthday present!
Who cares about perfume and jewelry... I've been asking for one of these!!! I have a central vac and it's great... but hauling that long hose up and down the stairs on a daily basis makes me ill! So, I've been wanting a swivel sweeper for those quick clean-ups... I'm so excited! Hopefully the thing actually works... so I'll let you know once I try it out!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
30 ... and still tickin'
Quote of the day: "Oh yeah, it's your birthday today, Mom!... You're 30!... but it doesn't look like you're any taller!" -- Josh
I've heard horror stories from people about the day they turned 30... depression sets in... you notice wrinkles you never had before... yadda, yadda, yadda.... In fact, my sister, NaDene sent a birthday card and wrote in it how "there could be worse things then being 30... you could be pregnant! Oh wait!" Hahaha! So I was a little curious to see how I would feel waking up today and no longer be in my ROARING TWENTIES!!! But even I surprised myself!
Of course it helped when my birthday celebration actually started yesterday when Josh picked a flower for my hair ... and Caleb picked grass (I fashioned a ring out of it) and wore it all afternoon! Suz dropped off a delish dark chocolate bar... and Heather and Aimee kidnapped me for a surprise pedicure and dessert at Cheesecake Factory... so this morning, even though I felt a little tired from being up late... I felt invigorated for some reason! In fact, I was listening to music from my computer and it started to play a song that reminds me of growing up... Tijuana Taxi... by the ever famous "Tijuana Brass!" You just can't help but dance around and laugh... although Caleb probably thought I was border-line insane! Oh well... he's 2!
And after I went shopping for a few fun maternity clothes, (by myself with no kids banging on the dressing room door... or hiding in the clothes racks) I'm ready to tackle this thing they call "turning 30" with grace... I won't mention that I completely tripped coming out of the mall, and nearly did a face-plant on the pavement... now that's grace, right?? But I felt better, when I checked my messages to hear a birthday wish from Chels, and a singing message from Gary Duda, the best real estate broker in the world! So far, my day couldn't get much better...
And tonight... I'm looking forward to take out from Olive Garden (thanks to Mom and Dad for the gift certificates!) and maybe even watching a good 'ole chic-flic... that is if I can stay awake!
So, I'm joining the group of thirty-somethings... and I'm vowing now to LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!... pregnant and all!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Playing in the fountains...
Last night we went to Stony Point Mall for a little birthday party with some friends. It was great because it was 90 + degrees and the kids loved playing in the water! Josh had fun playing catch with a couple older boys (as opposed to frolicking), and Caleb had great fun with a cup! It was pretty funny! I held back the temptation to run through... but have to admit, it did look refreshing!
But when we got home, even I got sprayed! Caleb had just gone "potty", and I went to flush the toilet (confession: our toilet has been broken for quite some time, but you can still flush it when you reach inside the tank and pull the lever). Upon me reaching in, Caleb grabbed a hose... and well, you get the idea! Although, toilet water isn't what I would call "refreshing!"
Monday, June 09, 2008
We're melting!!!
This past weekend has been sooooooo hot... with the humidity, it works out to be about 110 degrees! On Saturday, Josh was supposed to have a t-ball game, but they cancelled it because of the heat. So we went to the pool instead. The water felt great... and it was the only way we survived... staying inside all day just wasn't an option. We got a little tan, stayed cool... and my feet hardly swelled at all! phew!
Here is is Monday, and the heat is supposed to continue through tomorrow... then it drops back into the 80's again! thank goodness!
This week is also Josh's last week of school. Today is game day and he got to bring in his favorite game. He loves to play "Sorry", so he brought that in to teach to the other kids at his table. It's hard to believe that we've made it through the whole year of Kindergarten... i thought it would take forever, but it flew by! (okay, I know I sound pathetic... I know we have a long way to go... but it's a milestone just the same!)
I'll try to get some more pictures posted... I know those are more fun to look at then just reading... but you know how it is!