Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Thunderbird Falls

Alaska Trip Tid-Bit - July 1, 2010
One of our little day trips included a little hike up to Thunderbird Falls. None of us could remember the difficulty of the hike.... some of us remembered that it wasn't very steep, and most of us remembered that the trails were paved. So we were confident that we could tackle this "hike" with 10 children. 3 hours later, we were packed up and ready to go!

When we got there I realized the jogger stroller that I planned to use had flat tires. So after much debate about whether someone should go back for another stroller or cram Brooks into one of the other strollers, we decided that we would just help our toddling Brooks walk the 2 miles on his own.

100 feet down the path (which turned out to be just dirt), he was already dragging his feet. The first hill we encountered was a doozy! We were worried that we wouldn't make it to the Falls at all... or that we might have serious injuries and complaining along the way... and we thought the kids would have a hard time too! (that was a joke, by the way)

But after that first hill, it evened out... we went up, we went down... there were a few mud puddles here and there (thanks to Brooks' internal radar he was able to find every one), and a few spots where the children could have plummeted hundreds of feet below down a steep embankment. To make things even more fun, Brooks stopped walking and tired quickly of riding on Dad's shoulders, so we spent the majority of the hike swinging him along by his arms. (so I got my bicep workout for the day)

We started hearing the Falls and knew we were close, so I told Mike, "Now remember, this isn't Niagra Falls."
MIke: "Oh, so you're saying it's not that impressive?"

Well, see for yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Is this possible?