Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Hatcher Pass

Alaska Trip Tid-Bit - July 9, 2010

We decided kind of on a whim to take another day-trip up to Hatcher Pass. Considering that we have 10 kids to consider... 3 of them are under the age of 2... we were somewhat limited in what we could do. So we spent 45 minutes on a scenic drive through the mountains in search of a the perfect spot to have lunch and play.

Listed were the preferred criteria:
1) Not too far away from the parking lot
2) A nice flat spot of ground that wasn't covered with high brush or rocks
3) Far away from steep embankments
4) Close to a small, quiet creek so the kids could throw rocks, sticks and maybe dangle their feet
5) Gentle mountain breeze

Turns out, we found the PERFECT SPOT with very little searching!
Check it out!

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