Monday, August 03, 2009

Just a little update...

Summer is sure flying by! I can't believe it's August already! We've pretty much been living at the pool this summer... When I ask them what they want to do each day, they ALWAYS say "GO TO THE POOL!" And it also works out nicely if they are not obeying, I have something to take away... I know, I know... I'm so mean!

Here's a little update on each of the boys...

Josh has lost 4 teeth so far, and he has loose teeth all over the place, but he doesn't like to wiggle them! So they hang on for dear life for months! When I asked him why he won't let me pull them, he admitted that he was worried that he wouldn't have any teeth at all. He prefers to have them come out on their own, which basically looks like his front tooth is growing straight out horizontally, and all twisted! It's interesting to say the least! He also is enjoying reading chapter books all on his own! And he absolutely loves to have play dates with friends, and is always asking who he can play with that day! He recently developed a love affair with laser tag, when he was introduced to it at a birthday party. It's all he can talk about! And he is also a great big brother and helps me out tremendously! A couple times a week he will clean the garage all on his own so that's it's easier to get around in there... and just today he rearranged the family room so that it makes a better "playroom" for Brooks. He even constructed a new "gate" to keep Brooks better contained! And he is such a good example to Caleb, teaching him the dos and dont's of hitting a baseball, riding a scooter, catching fireflies, etc! He is such a fun kid!

Caleb has recently learned to ride a razor scooter, and goes up and down the driveway for hours! He loves to draw sidewalk chalk roads all over the driveway, complete with parking spaces, restaurants and gas stations! He has also learned the value of money, and is doing chores along with Josh to earn stars, to get paid with real money. He also likes to "read" books... and wants me to read a line at a time so he can repeat it like he's really reading. This takes a long time, but it is worth it to hear his little voice. He is so cuddly and lovable, and wants to hug on Brooks all the time, which often results in serious protests on Brooks' part... but it usually doesn't stop Caleb! He also has a laugh that is very contagious. There have been several times where he started laughing and something, and just the mere sound of his laugh makes me start laughing too... sometimes during the most inappropriate times, like during family prayer! He has a cute little sense of humor that is beyond his years, and he is fun to play with and watch! (and yes, he's wearing his Christmas jammies in July!)

Brooks is our little bundle and we all just love him to death! He has recently started standing up to things, and takes little steps to get where he wants to go. He's also a little grunter (from birth)... especially if he does anything strenuous. We call him a little grizzly bear! And believe or not, he actually has a little sense of humor too! He appreciates a good laugh, and all it takes is to hear us laughing, and he starts laughing too! He has learned to clap, feed himself (finger foods, of course), drink from a sippy cup (all by himself), and get his way! He knows how to scream and arch his back when something gets taken away, and he remembers it for a long time before he's distracted! Whenever he hears music of any kind, he starts singing his heart out... it's especially funny during church! There's something about that organ that really gets him going! He's also, how you say, CHUBBY? Everyone who sees him comments on his rolls and creases... we've heard every nickname from "Little Michelin Man" to "Tootsie Roll Arms". Either way, we think his are irresistible because they are golden brown on the outside and pure white on the inside... thanks to hours at the pool!

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