Friday, October 22, 2010

Calebism 10/22/10

When I woke Caleb up for school, he rolled over and gave me a drunken smile as he said, "Moooommmm, Why did you take my dream away?" Isn't that the cutest way of putting it?

When I asked him what his dream was about, he started giggling like crazy about how Josh fell down and Brook fell down... and a few other people I didn't recognize due to his sleepy-eyed state.... but apparently, there was a lot of falling down.

Ya gotta love this age where their perspective is so innocent and cute!
Right before surgery (to remove his tonsils), they gave him some meds to make him loopy. We call this the "Sleepy Bunny Face", because it resembles the face of a sleepy little bunny from one of our bedtime books.

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