Friday, June 27, 2008

back to the simple life

As of two days ago, I am without a dishwasher! Luckily it is still under warranty, so when the repair man came to fix it and he said it would take 2 weeks just to order parts... I was thinking the man must be crazy. Honestly, who goes without their dishwasher for 2 whole weeks! But then I remembered growing up with no dishwasher... and although there were many fights about who had to stack, who had to wash, who had to rinse, who had to put away... there were also many fond memories about washing dishes. Soap bubbles... soap fights... being instructed by dad about the finer way to stack the dishes (silverware next to the sink, cups directly above the silverware, plates and bowls stacked by size in as few piles as possible, large bowls stacked to the far right, and pans could remain on the stove until there was room on the counter).... being threatened within an inch of our lives not to step over the linoleum line into the living room unless the dishes were done (I'm exaggerating about the "inch of our lives" part)... and my favorite... some of the best talks I've had with my family, have been over the kitchen sink DOING THE DISHES.

So after some careful contemplation and a little reflection... which is ironic that this very contemplation and reflection I'm referring to, occurred while I was.... get ready, folks... WASHING DISHES!!! Anyway, I'm happy to report that even after only 2 days of doing dishes by hand, I'm actually not that annoyed by it. And to be honest, my kitchen hasn't been cleaner! I'm getting satisfaction out of doing the dishes right away, as opposed to waiting and letting the dishes get crusty, just because I'm "waiting" for the previous load to finish! ridiculous, I know... but don't knock it... I'm sure you've all done it!!!

Now I can't say with 100% certainty that after the dishwasher is fixed I will maintain this "way of life" ... I mean, having a dishwasher does have it's perks... but for right now, I'm okay with it and am going to look on the brighter side!


Chele said...

love the fact that that you too remember life without a dishwasher. We actually don't have a dishwasher at home. well I guess we do but it is me. I must say that it helps me to keep my kitchen a lot cleaner. I went from having a dishwasher at my parents house and in my apartments to me being the dishwasher. anyways hope things are going good.

Suzie Soda said...

Good for you.....when gives you lemons, make lemonade. xoxox

ps. Thanks for hosting the personal history pary.