Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas 2007

This year we thought we would give you a "minute by minute" account of 2007 in one minute or less.
Hope your year was as eventful as ours!

2,190 diapers changed
71 days of Kindergarten
7 days at Hilton Head beach
365 bedtime stories
1,420 minutes riding the School Bus
185 hours playing at the pool
74 hours playing in the sprinkler
32 hours at T-Ball Games
32 hours coaching T-Ball
17 hours packing lunches
40 days in Alaska
10 hours at Soccer Games
175 hours at play group
590 hours at the gym
439 hours of playing cars
379 hours playing "guys" (army guys, superhero guys, pirate guys)
997 hours playing ball (throwing balls, dodging balls, getting hit by balls!)
189 trips to the grocery store
2,537 hours selling houses
1 hour writing this Christmas letter
5 attempts to take Christmas photo (funny how we ended up using the one in the chuch parking lot after the Ward Christmas Party)

8,760 hours thinking of each of you... You're always in our thoughts!

We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas!
We love you all!
Love, Mike, KaLisi, Josh and Caleb

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Making cookies with cousins!

What started out as a little cookie decorating, turned in a night of yelling and clapping as the oldest 5 (out of 6) Grover Grandkids sprinkled til their hearts content. Can't have too many sprinkles, can you??

From left to right: Canyen, Caleb, Cole, Josh and Taylor. Baby JayLene was either sleeping or being loved on by Grandma!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Trentadue Family

Celebrating with the Trentadue's!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Is Here Again

We started off this Christmas season by going to the ward Christmas Party.... good times. This was the only time we got a decent picture for our Christmas letter this year....

Josh is with one of his buddies.

Monday, November 12, 2007


This fall, Josh played Soccer for the first time! And he loved it! He was pretty "hard core" and took it very seriously... and set a goal each week to score one more point then he did the last week! And he did that several weeks in a row, until he had scored 4 points for the team!

And Caleb was his biggest fan.... although only a portion of his time was spent actually watching Josh play. Most of the time he was playing in the dirt or pushing the stroller up and down the sidelines! But once in a while he would come by and yell, "Go Josh!"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween! The Adventures of STAR WARS

This year my mom was able to come and visit us for about a week in October! Her main reason was to see the Primary Program in Sacrament Meeting... but she also got to visit Josh's Kindergarten class and read them a story... as well as dress up for Halloween! She was such a good sport! She was Princess Leia, complete with brown yarn "buns"... and Josh was Boba Fett... and Caleb was Master Yoda! Mike reluctantly transformed into Darth Vadar.... and I was SUPPOSED to be "Padme in her battle uniform", although I was often mistaken for Princess Leia and even a fashion designer! That's what you get when you have "make-shift" costumes!

But overall, we had a good time... this is us at the Ward Trunk or Treat! Later, we took the kids out trick or treating in our neighborhood and Caleb actually "got" what he was supposed to do this year! They would run from door to door, trying to get there first... and Josh was a good sport and let his little bro be the one to ring the doorbell every now and then!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

1st day of Kindergarten

Josh started Kindergarten this year... and so far, he is loving it! His teacher is Mrs. Dalrymple and she is very fun and cute. She says things like, "Everyone needs to be sitting on their "sitters"! I don't know... I had never heard that before, and thought it was cute.

He says that his favorite part about school is riding the bus (which he rides to and from school), and playing at recess. He plays this silly game called "Boys chase girls", and supposedly it's very competitive. I asked him what he does once he catches the girls, and he said "nothing!" That's a huge relief!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Caleb turned 2!

Well, I'm finally catching up some blogging... and here are a few pictures from Caleb's little birthday "party!" Mike's broker gave Caleb some ReMax tatoos for his birthday, so they are modeling them... see how tough ReMax Agent's kids are???

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pre-School Graduation

Complete with graduation cap and diploma, Josh completed "Kiddie Kollege" and is now awaiting the first day of Kindergarten! They all marched in to "Pomp and Circumstance" and one by one received their little diplomas! I think Josh was a little embarrassed by it all, but he liked the attention! Here he is with his "Kiddie Kollege Buddies", Gavin and Leo.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For the Love of the Game

Here's our little ball player doin' his thing! He does a great job hitting, and he does just as good fielding! When the ball comes his way, he catches and throws it right to first base! The only problem is, all the kids want to touch that ball soooo bad, and Josh has been known to pry the ball out of another kids' kung-foo grip! A little embarrassing to say the least!

And although Caleb is Josh's #1 fan, he spends more time eating flowers and drinking Gatorade then cheering! And he even managed to find a flower-picking friend, despite the fact that he literally looked like a "Jungle Crawler!" I promise, I didn't take him to the game looking like that... he just evolved into it!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Josh is now in the stage where he HATES to have his picture taken! I have to trick him into staying still and not running full speed FAR AWAY!

And Caleb is a little bunny rabbit! One night he reached up and grabbed the salad bowl from the counter. He was munching on salad for dessert!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Soap and Suds

What started out as a typical bath night.... suddenly turned into the UWW (Under Water Wrestling) match... literally! Caleb would stand up and flop on top of Josh... they would roll and tumble and roll around, taking a breath when they could! It was hilarious! Needless to say the bathroom was thrashed when they were done... but it was fun!!! Thank goodness I was in a good mood otherwise those little white bums would have been little red bums!!! hahhahahaa!!! just kidding!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

This was Josh's very first T-Ball Game!!! He's #9 on the Bees Team and he loves it!!! Every day he asks if it's time to play baseball! Coach Dad was especially proud when he hit the ball off the tee every time! And I have to brag a bit... everyone was quite impressed with his power and his swing... all thanks to Dad's coaching to help him perfect his "form!"

And Caleb did a great job cheering from the sidelines! Although he would much rather be on the field, he was a good sport and just watched. Notice him in the background while Josh is up to bat!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

All the Grover Grandkids

Taking pictures with 5 kiddos is almost an impossible task!

From left to right: Caleb and Josh (My Munchkins), Canyen (Baby Shay's Baby), and Taylor and Cole (NaDene's Nincumpoops).... sorry NaDene, that was the only word I could think of that started with "N"! hee hee hee!!!