Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas 2006

Dearest Family and Friends,

It's that time of year to give our report,
But you're busy... so your time we won't waste!
A lot has happened in 2006,
But don't worry, we'll give only a taste!

Mike and KaLisi have been working out,
Mike has even lost a ton of weight!
KaLisi ran in her first 8K race,
Needless to say, our pants fit really great!

Josh loves going to pre-school,
He's bummed that homework is a must.
But he's looking forward to next year,
When he can ride the big yellow school bus!

Caleb turned one in August,
And we all cater to his demands.
He's pretty busy and gets into everything,
We call him "the boy with a million hands!"

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Love, Mike, KaLisi, Josh and Caleb

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I have to say, Christmas with kids is so much more fun because it's like I'm living the fantasies all over again! We were so excited to have such a full house this year!!! Josh and cousin Taylor were SOOO excited about Santa and all the presents! But we were surprised how humble they were about the whole thing. Josh was concerned what Caleb would get from Santa, and if Mom's stocking would get filled too! Caleb wasn't too sure about the whole Santa thing... in fact he jumped out of his lap! But he was very fond of the Christmas bulbs... even after eating one! The sound of crunching glass in little teeth is a horrible sound I wouldn't wish on anyone!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Make like a tree and "leave"!

Here are some pictures from playing in the leaves! This fall we had MASSIVE amounts of leaves in our yard!!! I had the blisters to prove it!!! The bad thing about Virginia, is we could be raking until spring because the leaves keep falling!!! In fact, the winter has been so mild that my tulips are coming up and it's only January! It's great now, but when the bugs come out in full force due to lack of a good freeze, I'll be taking cover inside all summer! ugggg!