Mike is always so busy with work, that he rarely has time to work in the yard... but this Saturday he went all out... including borrowing a trailer from a friend/boss, renting an aerator, and seeding the lawn! This may seem like normal Saturday activities for some, but for a dad whose busiest days are Saturdays, this was a huge accomplishment!!!
The boys were thoroughly entertained as they watched Dad leave "poop" all over the lawn! They had the best seats... in the trailer... eating ice cream cones. They were so excited... you would have thought there was a Circus in our yard! They spent the rest of the night riding their bikes into the trailer and down the ramp at top speed! Do you think they're deprived because the lawnmower is the extent of our "farm equipment"??? I guess we got ourselves a couple city boys... with only an occasional romp in the country when we go to Alaska!
Anyway, here's a shout-out to Mike for widening their horizons with some good 'ole heavy equipment! Ha!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Handy Hubby
Friday, April 25, 2008
Josh's Kindergarten Class 2007-2008
Josh really loves school... and after school we have a good little talk about all that went on. Who got on yellow... (a way of tracking their behavior... green light=good, yellow=warning, red light= not so good) Luckily, we've only had to deal with one yellow light this year, which according to Josh was when he was "too chatty." He also has informed me that he's the 5th tallest one in his class... and continues to be a bit confused why some girls are taller then he is. I wondered the same thing, being one of the tallest girls in my classes.
He is picking up on the reading... although it comes a little harder for him then others. But we're working on it, and he's definately progressing... just lacks a little confidence! But he is doing great in math... We just got his report card this last week, and his teacher said that he is so nice and considerate... and is a joy to have in the classroom... and she wishes there were more Joshua's in her class! That's the biggest compliment we could ever hear... and we're grateful that he is adjusting so well to school!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
T-Ball... first game of the season!
It's that time of year again... time for t-ball! Today was Josh's first game this year, and he plays with the "Knights"! They won! Well, actually, both teams won, as they still don't keep score yet... everybody bats, everybody runs in... they're still getting used to the game. But Josh had some strong hits off the T, and he did a great job fielding. Hopefully next game, he'll be in the infield so he can really show off his skills!
Mike is one of the coaches again... check him out as the 1st base coach! And Caleb is still Josh's #1 fan!!! He brings a bat and ball to every game and cheers from the side! "Go Josh!" One of the other kids brought a cone to use as a tee, so Caleb was in heaven!
And on a completely different note... last night Caleb pooped in the potty!!! Fortunately, I chose NOT to take a picture for documentation purposes... but we were all yellin' and screamin' last night when he did it! Needless to say, potty training is now officially underway!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Allergies are NOT only for NERDS!!
I never had allergies until I moved to Richmond! In fact, the only people who I knew who had allergies, were pathetic/nerdy characters in movies! My favorite character being the boyfriend to Meg Ryan in "Sleepless in Seattle"... you know who I'm talking about?? he was all decked out with vaporizers and nose sprays... what was his name?
ANYWAY, after living here for 8+ years, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I too... dun-dun-dun... have allergies! Just take a look at my car.... the picture doesn't do it justice... but this is not dirt or dust... this is yellow, sneezing, eye-watering pollen! And today, it is in full force..... you can see clouds of it billowing through the air! Yesterday my left eye had swollen up to half it's normal size... and on our walk to the park, I could barely open my eyes because there was so much pollen around!!!
It's enough to make me go completely crazy... I'm almost tempted to wear goggles and a mask everywhere I go! Now that would be a sight!
So what are my thoughts on SPRING??? Despite the cool weather, beautiful flowers blooming, smell of freshly cut grass.... Josh said it best.... "Mom, I hate spring!"
Bosom Brothers!
Lately, my favorite thing to do is just watch Josh and Caleb play together! They usually play so great... the exception being when one or both are tired, hungry, or just plain grumpy! But even though there is a 3 1/2 year age difference, they get along very well! And I'm so grateful for that! They truly are good boys, and I love them to death!!!
Here's a few pictures of my favorite boys!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Too Proud?... or Too Cold???
Yesterday (on Sunday), I actually felt on top of things... I was completely prepared for Sunday... diaper bag packed by Sat. night, the boys' clothes laid out on their beds, dinner in the oven by 10am, lunch ready by 11:30, and we were out the door by 12:28 (fyi: our church starts at 12:30), arrived at church to set up the RS room... and made it into Sacrament meeting by the Sacrament hymn. May seem like a failure to some, but I felt satisfied with my efforts.
I had a pleasant day at church... despite the fact that Caleb was going bonkers in the nursery! Sorry Heather (our fearless nursery leader, aka as "The Payne" according to Caleb!)
We came home from church, had home teachers at 4 pm, and were enjoying dinner by 5 pm. The boys were feeling quite restless... so a quiet Sunday evening at home, seemed impossible, so we decided to venture outside for a "walk", in spite of a few grumbles from Dad about it being too cold to go out and was against the idea from the start. I insisted that it wasn't cold and to just throw on a sweatshirt and come along... afterall, it was nothing compared to Alaska weather! So, we were on our way.... everyone was on some sort of wheels... big wheels, scooter wheels, bike wheels... I was sporting flip-flops and trying to keep up! It was crisp out, but comfortable... and we walked to a little park nearby and played for a few minutes. But on the way back, the wind kicked up, and it started to rain. Caleb's little hands were freezing, and he had to stop every few minutes to blow on them to warm them up. Mike in his sweatshirt, and I, in my flip-flops was now regretting ever leaving the comfort of our living room... but I (being too proud) would not admit that it was too cold and insisted that this would be a fun memory we would eventually all cherish.
Therefore, I am posting our story on this blog to remember forever... the Trentadue Version of Pride and Prejudice!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
My new favorite thing!
I've heard of it before, but just thought that it was too good to be true... that it would still be a hassle... that it would still cost more then the old-fashioned way... and that it would be just another "lesson learned" about not getting sucked into the latest gimmick!
Well, I hope that I haven't disappointed some of you when I say that I am totally and utterly addicted to NETFLIX!!! And I can honestly say that it is so easy! So far I've already watched 3 movies for the monthly $8.99, and it's only been a couple weeks... I already have my money's worth. And I haven't had to leave my house! I know that some people enjoy the trek to the video store... but for me, it's just another errand to run with 2 kids in tow! Now, the only trip I have to make is to my mailbox! And there's no shipping at all!
Last night I just finished watching "Jane Eyre"... so good, by the way! ... and I'm already looking forward to the next one! Have I converted anyone yet???
Bugs and more Buggies!
It sometimes amazes me how kids can entertain themselves for hours with the simplest thing. Makes me feel good about our recent decision to cut back on the amount of toys we buy! They played with 3 worms, a ladybug (or Buggies, as Caleb calls them!), and some unidentifyable creepy, crawly bug with about 100 legs (not a centipede), for 1 1/2 hours! And I just got to sit and watch! But it's times like these that having boys is hard... I used to like to play with frogs and bugs... but I've lost my nerve! But I'm trying to be brave so that it doesn't affect them. But regardless, even Josh jumps a bit when the worms were wriggling around! And Caleb won't touch them with his hand.. only sticks.